in the trenches/population


3. Activist Groups

(In alphabetical order)

American Enterprise Institute (AEI)

Conservative think tank that conducts research on US government and economic policy. Believes in limited government and competitive enterprise. Author and TV/newspaper commentator Ben Wattenberg, AEI senior fellow, has written extensively on why population growth is vital to the American economy.

Catholics For a Free Choice (CFFC)

(Website by end of 1997) Until then, contact them via e-mail.

Provides alternative view of Catholic teachings on reproductive health issues and women's rights. Publishes monthly journal "Conscience" and special media and advocacy reports. CFFC President Francis Kissling often serves as "lively" opponent to Church hierarchy in public debates.

CATO Institute

Conservative think tank in DC that promotes public policy based on individual liberty, limited government and free markets. Julian Simon, senior fellow, has written articles and books that characterize the issue of population growth and natural resource degradation as "poppycock."

Centre for Development and Population Activities

International nonprofit that supports women's full participation in the economic and social development process, with a focus on expanding access to family planning. Primary activities include training, technical assistance, public education and advocacy. Helped mobilize religious constituency to support population, poverty and women's health issues.

Alan Guttmacher Institute

Devoted to US and international reproductive health research, policy analysis and public education. Emphasizes the importance of access to family planning and reproductive health for men and women. Highly-regarded policy-oriented research and reports -- many publications on-line.

Christian Coalition

Perhaps the most effective religious grassroots movement working to affect public policy at the local, state and national level. Pat Robertson serves as President; Ralph Reed as Executive Director. Influential opponents of abortion rights, contraceptives, family planning and sexuality education.

International Women's Health Coalition

Works with groups in the developing world to promote women's reproductive and sexual health and rights. Focuses on new or neglected issues.

Izaac Walton League of America

Carrying Capacity Project promotes sustainabiltiy in US population levels, natural resource consumption and the use of environmentally sound technologies.

National Audubon Society

Population program connects population and family planning concerns to Audubon state and local habitat issues. Works to build support for international population funding.

Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA)

International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF)

PPFA is the largest provider of family planning and reproductive health services in the US. IPPF is the world's largest family planning organization, active in over 150 countries. Both publish extensive educational materials.

Population Action International

(Website to debut mid-April)

Recognized for expertise on international population and reproductive health issues. Great wall charts comparing countries on various population-related issues, as well as a variety of reports on population's impact on the environment.

Population Institute

Seeks a more equitable balance of population, environment and resources. Works primarily through advocacy, activism and the media.

Sierra Club

Grassroots-driven population program works on US and international issues related to natural resource conservation and environmental preservation.

The Vatican

Pope John Paul II has just gone online with a Website. Offers more than 1,200 papal speeches and Church documents. The Holy See has been an influential player in the global politics of women, population and reproductive health issues.

Zero Population Growth

The nation's largest grassroots organization focused on impacts of rapid population growth, both in the United States and globally. Advocacy, media and grassroots programs. PopEd program produces thoughtful teaching materials for students K-12.

Other activist groups:

- Association for Voluntary Surgical Contraception (AVSC)

- Fund for the Feminist Majority

- International Center for Research on Women

- National Immigration Forum

- National Wildlife Federation

- Natural Resources Defense Council

- Negative Population Growth

- Sexuality Information and Education Council of the US (SIECUS)

- Women's Environment and Development Organization

- Worldwatch Institute

More on Population:
Table of Contents | Twelve Hundred Words or Less... | Web Resources
Activist Groups | Voices | New in the Literature
Hotspots | On the Other Hand... | Funders